Guided Meditations

21 Days Of Self Love Guided Meditations
Written, Performed & Produced by DARIENNE © Copyright 2016
Let Darienne take you on a journey of self-love with this guided meditation package. Completely inspired & channeled by spirit, Darienne created the entire composition including the production, the music, the performance & the meditations themselves. She intentionally infused the energy of love into each particle of this project.
The purpose is to help you create a daily practice of cleansing yourself with the energy of love & raising your vibrations to put you into a state of love allowing you to receive your greatest desires and feel worthy of them in the process. Pure joy & self-compassion is her goal for you with this meditation program.
**The Chakra Guided below is to help you with week 3 of the meditations.

Listen & purchases these bonus
tracks in the music player below!